“I think that what we have learnt from this time is that doing Digital well isn't necessarily having an enormous budget of having a huge digital team. It's about having a really clear idea about what you are trying to do in line with your organisation's vision and mission then cherry picking a small number of projects that achieve that...” - Zoe Amar
In this episode we are joined by two guests, friend of the show Zoe Amar, who has spoken to us before about digital risk, and Graeme Manuel-Jones, Head of Digital at Maggies.
We’ve been speaking a lot over the past few months about the opportunities and pitfalls that Digital can offer to charities.
In the current context of the Covid pandemic, and huge loss of funding from fundraising activities, compounded by, in many cases, increased demand for services, charities are understandably looking at how the world is changing and what they can do to survive and thrive. And Digital seems to be a catch-all term that is increasingly being used in the sector.
In this episode we dedicate our time to exploring The Charity Digital Code of Practice with Zoe, who is Chair, and Graeme who has used the Code to great effect with his charity.
This is episode is sponsored by Charity Chat's platinum sponsor Charity People.
The Charity Digital Code of Practice: https://charitydigitalcode.org/the-code/
NCVO on digital - https://knowhow.ncvo.org.uk/organisation/operations/digital-technology